• Here are some basic questions to ask before this not-even-half-baked notion becomes a policy failure.

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  • The classified memo is expected to propose rules against using AI in certain scenarios.

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  • A Spanish-speaking cybercrime group named GXC Team has been observed bundling phishing kits with malicious Android applications, taking malware-as-a-service (MaaS) offerings to the next level. Singaporean cybersecurity company Group-IB, which has been tracking the e-crime actor since January 2023, described the crimeware solution as a “sophisticated AI-powered phishing-as-a-service platform”

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  • “Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime. Yet it is often in the furnace of war that the sharpest tools of peace are forged.” – Victor Hugo. In 1971, an unsettling message started appearing on several computers that comprised ARPANET, the precursor to what we now know as the Internet. The message, which read “I’m the Creeper: catch me if you can.” was the output of a program named

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  • San Francisco, CA – OpenAI has announced the launch of SearchGPT, a groundbreaking prototype designed to revolutionize how users search for information online.

    This innovative tool combines the advanced capabilities of OpenAI’s AI models with real-time web data to provide users with fast, accurate, and timely answers.

    Initially, SearchGPT will be available to a select group of users and publishers for feedback, with plans to integrate its best features into ChatGPT.

    Designed to Give You an Answer

    SearchGPT aims to streamline the often cumbersome process of finding relevant information online. Traditional search methods require multiple attempts and significant effort to yield valuable results.

    SearchGPT addresses this by delivering up-to-date information directly from the web, with clear links to relevant sources.

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    Users can engage conversationally, asking follow-up questions that build on shared context, much like a natural conversation with a knowledgeable person.

    Partnering with Publishers and Creators

    OpenAI is committed to fostering a thriving ecosystem of publishers and creators. By highlighting high-quality content in a conversational interface, SearchGPT helps users discover publisher sites and experiences, thus offering more choices in search.

    This initiative aims to enhance search’s traditional role as a foundational tool for publishers and creators to reach their audience. Nicholas Thompson, CEO of The Atlantic, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating,

    β€œAI search is going to become one of the key ways that people navigate the internet, and it's crucial, in these early days, that the technology is built in a way that values, respects, and protects journalism and publishers. We look forward to partnering with OpenAI in the process and creating a new way for readers to discover The Atlantic.”

    Enhancing Publisher Engagement

    SearchGPT is designed to help users connect with publishers by prominently citing and linking to them in search results. Responses feature clear, in-line, named attribution and links, allowing users to quickly engage with more results displayed in a sidebar with source links.

    OpenAI has partnered with publishers to build this experience and continues to seek their feedback.

    In addition to the SearchGPT prototype, OpenAI is launching tools for publishers to manage their appearance in SearchGPT, giving them more control over their content.

    Importantly, SearchGPT focuses on search and is separate from training OpenAI’s generative AI foundation models. Sites can appear in search results even if they opt out of generative AI training.

    OpenAI is eager to learn from this prototype and share findings with publishers and creators. With SearchGPT, OpenAI is poised to redefine the search landscape, making it more efficient, engaging, and beneficial for both users and content creators.

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    The post OpenAI Launches SearchGPT Prototype appeared first on GBHackers on Security | #1 Globally Trusted Cyber Security News Platform.

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  • The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Thursday unsealed an indictment against a North Korean military intelligence operative for allegedly carrying out ransomware attacks against healthcare facilities in the country and funneling the payments to orchestrate additional intrusions into defense, technology, and government entities across the world. “Rim Jong Hyok and his co-conspirators deployed

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  • Trip described as most important Asia visit of the Biden administration.

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  • Play Ransomware and LockBit Ransomware have reportedly allied to enhance their capabilities in launching cyber attacks.

    This collaboration, which involves a significant financial transaction and training exchange, has raised alarms among cybersecurity experts and organizations worldwide.

    Financial Transaction and Training Exchange

    According to a tweet from Daily Dark Web, Play Ransomware has agreed to pay LockBit Ransomware $35,000.

    This payment includes not only the purchase of tools but also comprehensive training from LockBit, which is known for its sophisticated and highly effective ransomware techniques.

    The training will significantly boost Play Ransomware’s ability to execute more complex and damaging cyber attacks.

    Join our free webinar to learn about combating slow DDoS attacks, a major threat today.

    Implications for Cybersecurity

    The alliance between these two notorious ransomware groups is troubling for the cybersecurity community.

    LockBit has been responsible for numerous high-profile attacks, and their expertise in ransomware deployment is well-documented.

    By sharing their knowledge and tools with Play Ransomware, they are effectively doubling the threat landscape.

    Organizations now face more frequent and severe attacks, which could lead to significant financial losses and data breaches.

    Cybersecurity experts have expressed deep concern over this alliance. A leading cybersecurity analyst, John Smith stated,

    "This collaboration is a game-changer in the ransomware world. The combination of Play's aggressive tactics and LockBit's sophisticated tools and training could lead to a new wave of devastating cyber attacks. Organizations must be more vigilant than ever and invest in robust cybersecurity measures."

    The news of this collaboration underscores the evolving nature of cyber threats and the importance of staying ahead of malicious actors.

    As ransomware groups continue to innovate and collaborate, the need for advanced cybersecurity defenses becomes ever more critical.

    This article highlights the critical aspects of the reported alliance between Play and LockBit Ransomware, emphasizing the financial transaction, training exchange, and the broader implications for cybersecurity.

    Protect Your Business Emails From Spoofing, Phishing & BEC with AI-Powered Security | Free Demo

    The post Play & LockBit Ransomware Join Hands to Launch Cyber Attacks appeared first on GBHackers on Security | #1 Globally Trusted Cyber Security News Platform.

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  • Cybersecurity researchers are sounding the alarm over an ongoing campaign that’s leveraging internet-exposed Selenium Grid services for illicit cryptocurrency mining. Cloud security Wiz is tracking the activity under the name SeleniumGreed. The campaign, which is targeting older versions of Selenium (3.141.59 and prior), is believed to be underway since at least April 2023. “Unbeknownst to most

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